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Trend & Forecasting

Colour | Material | Finish

This Project was an outcome of two week workshop as a first phase of major design project.

We were engaged in intensive research and a detailed mapping of broad influencing phenomena that impact consumer lifestyle.

These phenomena are represented through story boarding. 


A trend simply reflects what seems to be going around at any given time. A trend can be in any area and doesn't only reflect fashion, pop culture and entertainment. There can also be a trend in the stock market to be bullish or bearish, depending on economic indicators, or a political trend reflecting a nation’s current mood. Some trends are fun, some fabulous, some appalling, but however long they last, you can be sure there will always be a new trend coming along to replace the old.

PESTEL Analysis

Political | Economical | Social | Technological | Legal | Environmental

A PESTEL analysis is a framework or tool used to analyze and monitor the macro-environmental factors that have an impact on a system.
A study was done to understand the macro changes in society, Which will impact the trends in the coming years.

Mega - Trends

After the PESTEL analysis, We mapped down four major megatrends. These are large, transformative trends that define the present and shape the future by their impact on businesses, economies, industries, societies and individual lives.


Questioning to belief | Driving my own life | I am my own religion

Living on your "own terms" is about consciously choosing your ideology and the things we believe in, rather than accepting the existing rule book. It is about questioning the existing trends, societal norms and situations prevailing and then based on one's values, being in-charge of one's own decisions. Everything now can be customised and personalised depending on one's taste.


The world is now a place where subcultures are replacing each other with totally new lifestyles. They can exist at the same time and can be combined flexibly. Defining one's identity is becoming a new lifestyle altogether. It is the  way to self-fulfilment. In modern context 'self fulfilment' is poised to challenge and inevitably change leadership style of future.

Target Audience

Generation Alpha    |    Millennial    |    Generation X


* Real life evidences of breaking out stereotypes.

* Trend Cycle - It indicates the timeline of a certain trend in the current context.






Evidence Board

Living on your "own terms" is about consciously choosing your ideology and the things we believe in, rather than accepting the existing rule book. It is about questioning the existing trends, societal norms and situations prevailing and then based on one's values, being in-charge of one's own decisions. Everything now can be customized and personalized depending on one's taste.






Color Board

The colors that we have chosen are very saturated showing the carefree attitude using vibrant hues. The high contrast in the colors show the confidence of today’s generation with the ability to question the age old rule-book of the society.

The loudness of the colors shows expressionist nature, vibrancy shows the unapologetic behavior and the high contrast in colors show the free spirit of today’s world.






Material Board

The material board shows the extreme vibrancy in colors depicting the unapologetic behavior of today’s generation. The finishes like iridescent are very exploratory showing the expressionist nature. The extremes in the textures to be used shows the free spirit.

Texture & Finish

The texture and finish board defines the tactile feel and visual language of the trend.



Material exploration to understand the possibilities of idea generation. It also takes elements of texture board onto more tactile level.

Form Board

The form board represents the ideology of the trend. It gives a clarity about  design language, silhouettes and patterns of the trend keeping the essence of a trend.


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