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Photography Workshop 

Lifestyle | Storytelling

This photo documentation is a result of a three-day workshop


The purpose of this workshop was to learn how to Photograph communities because we have to be sensitive about the sentiments of people. Also learning about tips and tricks of photography including processing and editing.



Gulbai Tekra

Gulbai tekra is a place in Ahmedabad. In Rajasthan, severe drought had taken place in 1800's. There fore a group of people was migrated to Gujarat and one of them was Bawri community people. A Parsee lady named by Gul Bai, gave them land to live and they themselves dig the tekra to settle down. They made a beautiful basti named Gulbai Tekra.


Earlier these people used to sell cattles. Once they visited Kolhapur for the business and got inspired by the idol making for Ganpati festival and started making idols. This craft is nearly 50 years old in the region.

'Bawri community lady with her grandson'

'Main idol for mould making'

'Preparation of raw material'

'Making of the mould'

'Casting of the idol with plaster of paris'

'Joining parts of the idol'

'Preparation before adornment'

'Hundreds of idols cramped together'

'Final touches'


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